How To Give Up Control And Delegate More

Are you feeling overwhelmed with all the tasks you have to do in your business? It can be hard to let go of control and delegate more to others. But, delegating more in your business can help you become more efficient and productive.

Reasons Why Business Owners Fail To Delegate

One of the things that makes delegation seem difficult is perfectionism. The thought that you and you alone can do a particular task well and be good at it. 

Here is a quote that may challenge this way of thinking:

“If you want to do a few small things right, do them yourself. If you want to do great things and make a big impact, learn to delegate.” – John C. Maxwell

Trying to do everything perfectly can be a huge time-waster. Instead of striving for perfection, you can focus on setting realistic goals and expectations.

Other reasons why business owners shy away from delegating include:

  • The task outcome not being what they hoped it would be
  • Fear of losing control
  • Not wanting to invest the time needed to carry out the delegation process properly. 

Although giving up control of the mundane day-to-day operational activities of running your business and delegating can be challenging, it is an important step in the growth and development of a business. 

How To Effectively Delegate As A Business Owner

Identify Tasks That Can Be Delegated

Start by taking an inventory of your current responsibilities and identifying which tasks can be delegated to others. Factors to consider include:

  • The complexity of the task
  • The skills and experience required 
  • Your workload and priorities
  • How time-sensitive the task is

Choose The Right People To Delegate To

When selecting team members to delegate to, consider their skills, experience, and workload. It’s also important to ensure they have the necessary resources and support to complete the task successfully.

Communicate The Task And Expectations

Because delegation is different from micro-managing, it’s necessary to clearly communicate what needs to be done, why it’s important, and the desired outcome. Provide any necessary resources or support to help the team member complete the task successfully.

Provide Ongoing Support And Guidance

It’s important to provide ongoing support and guidance to team members as they work on delegated tasks. This can include providing feedback, answering questions, and offering additional resources as needed. Make it a point of duty always to review tasks.

Trust Your Team And Let Go Of Control

Don’t be afraid to pass the baton. As a business owner, it can be difficult to let go of control and trust others to handle important tasks. However, it’s important to remember that you hired your team for their skills and expertise and that by delegating, you can free up time on your end to focus on more strategic growth and revenue-based activities.

 Benefit Of Delegating Tasks Effectively

  1. Delegation empowers your team. They develop skills and competencies that will benefit the company and themselves. 
  2. Builds trust 
  3. Reduces workload, thus reducing stress
  4. Ensures maximum productivity
  5. Places responsibility in capable hands


Delegating and outsourcing is a great way to increase efficiency. Delegation is a long-term strategy. It’s also an effective way to take the pressure off yourself, giving you more time to focus on your strengths.

You can add tremendous value to your work, team, and personal growth with proper planning, clear communication, and an appreciative approach.

Are you looking to reduce your workload? VirtualKarette VA Services can help you. If you need help deciding what task you might need to outsource, book a consultation here.